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Patient Portal

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The Patient Portal Button will take you to the Protect Your Peace Psychiatry login page via Charm Health. This is the first line of contacting me. 

To Cancel or Reschedule an Appointment:

1. Log in to your ChARM Patient Portal

2. Select the "Appointments" tab

3. Request and choose a new appointment, including visit type (in-person or telehealth) and time (30min or 60min)

4. Cancel original appointment. At this time, you can only cancel appointments from a computer, not phone. 

Note: You may add yourself to any waitlist for an earlier appointment, in case of new availability. You will receive a confirmation email if you are able to be seen.


All clients are required to store a payment card on file, however if you registered with Headway, your appointment payments will be completed through their system.

Telehealth Link

The Telehealth Link Button will bring you to my website for telehealth appointments. It will be the same link, every time, therefore you can bookmark it for any future appointments. It can also be found in the "Announcement" section of the patient portal. It will not be sent to you at the start of your appointment, as it is the same link each time. You can enter it directly into your browser as well: 

The Office


Upon arrival for any in-person appointments, please make sure you are at the correct building, as there is an identical building located next door. My office is located at 1553 Bradford Road, Suite 204 (second floor), Virginia Beach which is directly across from a white church (in a gray apartment-looking building). You will see a Protect Your Peace Psychiatry sign on the door. Please wait in your vehicle or on the upstairs landing until the start of your appointment time. Please consider that the office is on the second floor of a building without wheelchair access. I continue to offer telehealth services to ensure the same access to care.

Medication Refills

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To Submit Medication Refills:

1. Log in to your ChARM Patient Portal.
2. Select the “RX Medications” tab, either from the home screen when you first login or from the menu tabs on the left side of the screen.
3. Next to “Medications” select the “Active” option from the dropdown. A list of medications will appear.
4. Click the “Refill Request” button shown in the respective medication row.
5. Refill request dialog will be shown.
6. Fill in the Reason for requesting the refill.
7. Click the “Request” button.
8. Once submitted, a refill request message will be sent for review. Please give at least 7 days advance notice. Please also check with your pharmacy to confirm you do need a refill; there may be past scripts on your file already. A copy of the message is available under Messages,  ‘Sent’ folder, for your reference.

Telehealth Link

The Olivia’s Telehealth Link will bring you to my website for telehealth appointments. It will be the same link, every time, therefore you can bookmark it for any future appointments. It can also be found in the "Announcement" and "Useful Info" sections of the patient portal, as well as in your appointment confirmation and reminder emails. It will not be sent to you at the start of your appointment, as it is the same link each time. You can enter it directly into your browser as well:

Other Considerations


My primary mode of communication with clients is electronically. Clients have the ability, and will be tasked, to keep their insurance, payment and scheduling needs up to date throughout treatment together.

Protect Your Peace Psychiatry Logo, Written in a Circle Surrounding a Lotus

Protect Your Peace Psychiatry, PLLC

1553 Bradford Road

Suite 204

Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455

Fax: 757-432-3561

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